
What is the most effective birth control available on the market today?

Most Effective Birth Control

Birth control: so many choices are out there. Which ones are the best in preventing pregnancy? Which birth control is the most effective on the market today?

What is the best birth control someone can choose, the only birth control that is completely and 100 percent foul-proof? Abstinence. Abstinence is the one and only 100 percent positive way to avoid pregnancy.

If abstinence isn't the right choice for you, there are other options out there. Many are more effective than others for preventing pregnancy.

Many birth control types are highly effective, however the best choices are as follows:

-Depo Provera
-Birth Control Pill: when taken correctly and accurately.
-The Patch

The best choice from the three above is the IUD. The IUD is close to 99 percent effective when inserted correctly. The Depo shot is a close second with 97 percent effectiveness.

Whatever a birth control choice may be, the best person to talk to about the choice,is a physician.

Birth Control Frequently Asked Questions

ive been on birthcontrol for 3 months and this last month i started it a day late and recently had unprotected sex and i began spotting. could i be pregnant?

Can we have sex after menstrual life cycle, without condoms so that, i am not pregnant. What is duration to continue like this??

what do you do when you skip a pill?

I'm on birth control and might be pregnant. Will that hurt the baby if I am still taking the birth control pill?

How can a girl tell if she's pregnant? And can she tell by herself only after a month since she's had sex?

How long should I take the birth control pill before I can have sex?

What are the natural methods of birth control?

When taking antibiotics is it possible to get pregnant when on depo?

What is the most effective birth control available on the market today?

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Is there a hormone free version of birth control?

What is an IUD and is it right for me?

Can you take antibiotics with Depo Provera?

How can I remember to take my birth control pill?

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Mary White